We are migrating to a new website, so any links you see here will automatically take you to the new website, unless it suggests going to Etsy. All products will soon be on the new site. Currently all our popular items are there (herb cooking blends, teas, soups and kitchen mixes.)
New Products - We are always adding new items. We list them as soon as they are available in our Etsy Store, so check that out regularly to see anything new.
Seasonal Products - Each season we feature items from the catalog that match the season. This Fall we are sharing the new Wine Dip Mixes and holiday theme teas which were created this summer.
Teas - Herbal - 100% caffeine free all herb teas infused with wonderful herb flavors and good hot and iced. We have more than 25 varieties available.
Teas - Black & Green Teas - click here for a full list of all our teas made with black or green tea blended with herbs for even greater flavor and just enough healthful caffeine to keep your motor running. We even have several Chai blends.
Special Subscriptions - get a 3, 4, 6 or 12 month tea subscription for yourself or someone you love that features our amazing teas packaged in special ways. You can craft the months we send it as well as give as a gift or gift certificate. We also have a 6 and 12 month Herb Seasoning Blend of the month subscription too.
Bath and SPA herbs - Our perfect combinations of herbs for all skin types that can be used in the bath or shower. We make scrubs, salts, toners, rinses, bath sachets and more, we offer different blends seasonally as the temps and skin needs change. We will stop offering bath items except in gift baskets or on demand. If you are interested in Bath Salts or Bath teas, please email me directly at
Cooking Herbs - Herb Mixes and Herb Seasoning blends along with single herbs and specialty herbs including our Salt Substitutes, Gourmet Sea Salt and other herb combinations, recipes and blends for cooking, entertaining and more, are all part of the offerings listed here!
Herbs around the House - Our morst rapidly growing set of items with Green Cleaning products, Pets Herbs, Sachets for Sleeping and Insect repelling, and other personal care items in this category. These are herbs to use outside the kitchen and bath.
Kitchen Mixes (Rice, Muffins, Scones, Shortbreads, etc) - You'll find anything you can use in the kitchen to make a main dish, side dish, meal, scone, or muffin and even crackers. These are our specially formulated mixes that combine herb flavors into simple mixes so you can cook like a gourmet in minutes.
Soup Mixes - We have a dozen differnt soup blends and can make any on demand, but offern them in listings on Etsy during prime soup seaon, so check them out by clicking.
Vinegars - Seasonally we make available Herb-infused vinegars for cooking. To make it easier to list and remove them when out of stock, we have decided to list our vinegars only on our Etsy store. You can always find all our current instock vinegars there.
Gifts for all occasions and recipients. From baskets, to tins, to decorative bags we make all sorts of gift combinations. We even do custom gift baskets.